This table provides metadata for the actual indicator available from Faroe Islands statistics closest to the corresponding global SDG indicator. Please note that even when the global SDG indicator is fully available from Faroese statistics, this table should be consulted for information on national methodology and other Faroese-specific metadata information.

This table provides information on metadata for SDG indicators as defined by the UN Statistical Commission. Complete global metadata is provided by the UN Statistics Division.
Indicator |
Indicator 17.9.1: Dollar value of financial and technical assistance (including through North-South, South‑South and triangular cooperation) committed to developing countries |
Target |
Target 17.9: Enhance international support for implementing effective and targeted capacity-building in developing countries to support national plans to implement all the Sustainable Development Goals, including through North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation |
Metadata update |
2017-07-09 |
International organisations(s) responsible for global monitoring |
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) |
Link to UN metadata | Metadata on this indicator opens in a new window |