Henda talvan vísir metadátur fyri tann ávísan, ið er tøkur úr Føroyar hagtølum, ið liggur næst upp at altjóða SDG-ávísanum. Gev gætur, at sjálvt tá altjóða SDG-ávísin er fult tøkur úr Faroese hagtølum, eigur at verða hugt í hesa talva eftir kunning um innlendis háttalag og aðrar upplýsingar um serstakar Faroese metadátur.
Henda talvan kunnar um metadáturnar, ið eru ásettar av Hagfrøðinevndini hjá ST. Fullfíggjaðar altjóða metadátur frá Hagfrøðistovninum hjá ST.
Ávísi |
Indicator 10.7.3: Number of people who died or disappeared in the process of migration towards an international destination |
Undirmál |
Target 10.7: Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies |
Dagføring av metadátum |
2022-08-12 |
Altjóða felagssskapur/felagsskapir við heimsfevnandi eftirlitsábyrgd |
International Organization for Migration |
Samsvarandi ávísar |
Indicator 10.7.2 is complementary to several related SDGs indicators. These include, but are not limited to: • Indicator 8.8.1 “Frequency rates of fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries, by sex and migrant status”; Indicator 10.7.2 is also complementary to other national migration monitoring frameworks, including IOM’s Migration Governance Indicators (MGI). The MGI operates as a policy benchmarking framework and offers insights into policy levers that countries could use to further develop their migration governance. It contains nearly 90 questions with regards to countries’ national migration policies, which fall under the same six domains as indicator 10.7.2. |
Leinki til metadátur hjá ST | Metadátur til henda ávísan letur upp í nýggjum vindeyga |