This table provides metadata for the actual indicator available from Faroe Islands statistics closest to the corresponding global SDG indicator. Please note that even when the global SDG indicator is fully available from Faroese statistics, this table should be consulted for information on national methodology and other Faroese-specific metadata information.
Text answer
Faroe Islands does not compile continuous and official statistics on whether people in The Faroe Islands live in slums, informal settlements or inadequate housing as specified in the methodology of the indicator. The census in 2011 showed that less than 100 persons had neither access to kitchen nor bathroom and less than 20 had under 10 square meters per person.

This table provides information on metadata for SDG indicators as defined by the UN Statistical Commission. Complete global metadata is provided by the UN Statistics Division.
Indicator |
Indicator 11.1.1: Proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlements or inadequate housing |
Target |
Target 11.1: By 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums |
Metadata update |
2021-12-20 |
International organisations(s) responsible for global monitoring |
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) |
Related indicators |
Direct relation 1.1.1 Poverty rate; 1.1.2 Poverty rate, national; 6.1.1 Access to Improved Water; 6.2.1 Access to Improved Sanitation; 7.1.1 Access to Electricity; 8.3.1 Informal Employment; 8.5.2 Unemployment Rate 8.6.1 Youth Unemployment; 10.2.1 Population below Median Income; 10.1.1 Grow rates of the poorest 40%; 11.2.1 Public Transit Stop Coverage; 11.5.1 Population Affected by Hazardous Events; 11.6.1 Solid Waste Collection; 11.7.1 Accessibility to Open Public Area; 11.7.2 Public Space Safety for Women; 16.1.1 Homicide rate; 16.1.3 Population subjected to Violence. |
Link to UN metadata | Metadata on this indicator opens in a new window |
Source 1
Organisation |
Statistics Faroe Islands |
Link to data source | Statistics Faroe Islands opens in a new window |
Contact details | |